It is not possible to provide the national sport of each country as not all countries have an officially declared national sport. However, some countries do have popular sports that are considered to be their de facto national sport. To commemorate and promote their distinct cultures, customs, and heritage, nations hold national sports competitions. Over time, people have developed national sports to become an integral aspect of a nation’s identity, frequently steeping them into the nation’s history.

Countries and their national games

The rankings of Armenia at the individual and team level have been consistently high – an impressive feat, especially given the small size and population of the country. The rules concerning stalemate were finalized in the early 19th century. Also in the 19th century, the convention that White moves first was established (formerly either White or Black could move first). Finally, the rules around castling and en passant captures were standardized – variations in these rules persisted in Italy until the late 19th century. The resulting standard game is sometimes referred to as Western chess[91] or international chess,[92] particularly in Asia where other games of the chess family such as xiangqi are prevalent.



  • Dhyan Chand the legend became the major strength who scored over 100 goals out of the 192 goals on behalf of India in 21 matches.
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  • Chess competition today is governed internationally by FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs; the International Chess Federation).
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  • When we speak about the weightage of each topic per section, Current affairs holds the majority of weightage followed by Static G.K and Banking Awareness.
  • Today’s chess engines are significantly stronger than the best human players and have deeply influenced the development of chess theory; however, chess is not a solved game.
  • Any sport that is officially named as the national sport of any country is totally based on the popularity and historical roots attached with the country.
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  • Assigning a national sport to a country also makes citizens of the country feel gratified about that particular sport.
  • |}

India has contributed numerous cultural and technological innovations to the world. Some notable inventions and concepts that originated in India include the numeric ‘0’ and the decimal place-value number system, Ayurveda (a traditional system of medicine), board games like chess, yoga and meditation practices, and even the concept of shampoo. These contributions highlight the intellectual and scientific advancements of ancient Indian civilization.


Govt. Exams Questions


In 1997, Deep Blue became the first computer to beat a reigning World Champion in a match when it defeated Garry Kasparov. Today’s chess engines are significantly stronger than the best human players and have deeply influenced the development of chess theory; however, chess is not a solved game. Chess (n.) very ancient game of skill with 32 pieces, played by two on a checkered board of 64 squares, 13c., from Old French esches “chessmen,” plural of eschec “game of chess, chessboard; checkmate” (see check (n. 1)), so called from the key move of the game. The list of national games in the globe is important for government examinations such as SSC, RRB, Bank, IBPS, and others government exams. To make it easier for you can check here applicants to study for the general awareness aspects of major competitive examinations, we have compiled a list of nations and their national games.

But, each country has their own national game which is considered to be important for their cultural values. Cricket is the national sport in several countries, particularly in the Commonwealth nations and the Caribbean. Where in Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, and Jamaica, cricket is central to the culture, with these nations forming part of the West Indies team and producing legendary cricketers. Australia also has a strong international presence as a major sport. It is a blend of dance and music practiced during the colonial slavery times, but rose to fame in the last two decades. Football, though, remains to be the most popular sports and has held the nation together for long.

National games are the sports that signify the cultural and historical aspects of a specific country. These games reflect the unique traditions, values, and heritage of a nation. All countries have not officially declared national games as they have not identified specific sports.

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